Stop VlC Always Fit Window Setting

In previous post we saw how to stop VLC from Font caching, Here we will he how to stop Vlc from automatically fitting or scaling video to the window size.

Many times resolution of video is greater than that of the windows or operating system's default or customized resolution, so VLC scales the video resolution to the window resolution and fits display to window and this is the default option  selected when VLC is installed i.e. "always fit window" under Video menu.

This reduces video quality by transforming video to fit window using Transformation and Translation algorithms. So many users like me don't like reduced quality and disable "fit window" option, but problem is that when we start VLC again it is re-enabled automatically. There is a solution to prevent VLC automatically enabling "always fit window" option, which is described below.
  • Goto tools menu and select Preferences or press "ctrl+p"
  • From preference dialog box, select All under show settings menu at bottom-left corner.
  • Now from the listed options scroll to Video option and select it
  • Now under the right side options scroll to "general video settings"
  • Form available options uncheck "video auto scaling" option
  • Press save.
This will stop VLC from auto fitting video to window when you restart the VLC.


  1. For years I loved VLC for the number of files it could play & the controls, but I hated the way it would splash small video files all over the screen. I clicked on every control I could see, but to no avail.

    Thanks to you, Mitul, my VLC experience has been increased by 50%!!

  2. Thank you so much for helping me fix this annoying problem.

  3. Thank you!, I've read that it couldn't be solved, but you did, Thanks a lot

  4. Thanks. You would think VLC would remember the user's 'Always Fit Window' preference.

  5. Thanks! I was going crazy looking for a way to disable that function.

  6. Thanks budy for explaining how to avoid the Always Fit Window issue !

  7. Great advice. VLC can be daunting with these things, though it's the most powerful player around.

  8. thanks man! it really helped me :D

  9. Thanks a lot , it works for me. Feeling happy after getting my videos in normal view.

  10. Hello guys!! Thanks. This was so annoying :-)
    Solved now
